Past Events

Past Events

BEAT AD Charity Gala Dinner

BEAT AD Charity Gala Dinner

The BEAT AD Charity Gala Dinner organised by the Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease (CKKF) and co-organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), was held last Saturday (9 November) at Regent Hong Kong. The event gathered
BEAT AD Service

Charles Kao CUHK BEAT AD Service

The Charles K. Kao Foundation for Alzheimer’s Disease (CKKF), in partnership with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), launched the Charles Kao CUHK BEAT AD (Brain HEAlth Service for PrevenTion of Alzheimer’s Disease) Service Pilot Programme (the Service) in
Remember the Time We Sing Concert

《Remember the Time We Sing》 Concert

After a co-creation journey that lasted around four months, inspiration sparked from several hours of workshops was enriched with lyrics and melodies through continuous interaction and communication. These compositions were then honed into final songs by the producers. At the
Tai Kwun Conversations_1

Tai Kwun Conversations: Music & Arts Co-creation for Inclusiveness – Pilot Project for the Dementia Community

The “Tai Kwun Conversations” held on 27 August explored the potential of “Co-creation” as a new method of arts therapy. Foundation Chairman Mrs. Gwen Kao was invited as one of the speakers to share from perspectives of arts, patient support,
Elderly Buddies Hand-in-hand Scheme_1

Elderly Buddies Hand-in-hand Scheme

The “Elderly Buddies Hand-in-hand Scheme”, organised by the Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL) of The Education University of Hong Kong, is funded by the Phase 2 of Mental Health Initiative Funding Scheme, which is co-ordinated by the Advisory Committee on
Remember The Time We Sing_1

《Remember The Time We Sing》 – Tai Kwun Community Arts Project

This is a Community Arts Project Tai Kwun undertakes in collaboration with two non-profit organisations with a focus on music, namely “Every Life Is A Song” and “My Main Stage” Music Production Pilot Program; together with the support of Charles
Christmas Charity Sale 2021

Christmas Charity Sale 2021

2021-12-01 – 2021-12-27