The “Elderly Buddies Hand-in-hand Scheme”, organised by the Integrated Centre for Wellbeing (I-WELL) of The Education University of Hong Kong, is funded by the Phase 2 of Mental Health Initiative Funding Scheme, which is co-ordinated by the Advisory Committee on Mental Health.
The aim is to raise public awareness and fundamental knowledge on elderly with mental health needs and basic mental health caring and counselling throughout a series of project events.
The Scheme is expected to promote a warm and positive atmosphere among the community towards elderly with mental health needs through different early preventive measures, minimising the stigmatisation on elderly who are suffering from mental health needs, and creating an inclusive culture in the community.
Foundation Chairman Mrs Gwen Kao and Dr Chiu Ha Ying, Governor and Executive Committee Member, were invited as guest speakers for the foundational mental health training course, sharing valuable knowledge and experience related to Dementia from both professional and caregiver perspectives.
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