Words From Mrs Gwen Kao
Alzheimer’s is a very hidden disease – it creeps up on a person unsuspectingly. You may think you are just getting old and forgetting where you put things occasionally is just a normal part of aging.
Like cancer in decades ago, Alzheimer’s Disease seems to be a disgraceful illness. Nevertheless, it is not true. Just as the well-known cancer nowadays, it may take decades to develop the cure. Therefore, we need more donations and funding from the public and the government. There are cures for the common cancers now, and we crave one for Alzheimer’s too, for our children and the future generations’ sake.
The death rates of cancer, heart attacks and HIVs are steadily dropping, but the death rate of Alzheimer’s is rising. Hong Kong is now on this path too. Aging population in Hong Kong is inevitable, let us all join hands to work for better solutions and to help the large number of caregivers in our community. It is necessary for the society to be prepared for the growing numbers of Alzheimer’s patients.
At the same time, I pray for an effective cure for Alzheimer’s to be found.