Final – 腦退化症

腦退化症 (又稱認知障礙症) 不是一種特定的疾病,而是一系列症狀的總稱,包括影響日常活動的記憶、思考、決策或語言問題。雖然年齡是最大的風險因素,但它並非正常老化的一部分。





記憶力衰退: 忘記最近學到的資訊、重要日期或事件,或重複查問相同的問題。

解決問題或規劃有困難: 難以遵循熟悉的食譜、管理財務或處理帳單。

完成熟悉任務有困難: 難以完成家務、工作或休閒活動中的日常任務。

時間和地點迷失: 忘記日期、季節或時間的流逝,或在熟悉的地方迷路。

語言困難: 難以找到正確的字詞來表達想法或跟上對話。

判斷力下降: 做出不符合常理或不安全的決定。

情緒和性格改變: 變得更加易怒、焦慮或沮喪,或有冷漠的跡象。

退出社交活動: 對嗜好、社交活動或與朋友和家人互動越來越不感興趣。

Common Types of Dementia

Alzheimer’s Disease 

The most common type of dementia, accounting for 70% of cases. It is characterised by the buildup of proteins in the brain that lead to the destruction of brain cells and connections. 

Primary Symptoms: Memory loss, confusion and difficulty with communication.
Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty with problem-solving, learning new information, and judgment.
Behavioural Symptoms: Mood swings, agitation, aggression, apathy.
Physical Symptoms: Weight loss, sleep disturbances, tremors.



Affected by Alzheimer's disease: The late Professor Charles K. Kao

Vascular Dementia 

Caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, often due to a stroke or series of small strokes. This can cause problems with reasoning, planning, judgement, and other cognitive functions.

Primary Symptoms: Sudden onset of cognitive decline, difficulty with speech and language.
Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty with attention, memory, and processing speed.
Behavioural Symptoms: Depression, anxiety, irritability.
Physical Symptoms: Weakness, paralysis, or numbness in limbs.

Photo credit: Margaret Thatcher Foundation


Affected by vascular dementia: The late Lady Margaret Thatchet

Frontotemporal Dementia 

Caused by the degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain, which can lead to changes in personality, behaviour, and language abilities.

Primary Symptoms: Changes in personality, behaviour, and language.
Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty with executive function, decision-making, and problem-solving.
Behavioural Symptoms: Apathy, disinhibition, impulsivity, obsessive behaviours.
Physical Symptoms: Weight gain, changes in appetite, sleep disturbances.

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore

Affected by frontotemporal dementia: Bruce Willis

Lewy Body Dementia 

Characterised by the presence of Lewy bodies, which are abnormal protein deposits in the brain. This can cause fluctuations in cognitive abilities, as well as visual hallucinations and Parkinson’s-like symptoms.

Primary Symptoms: Fluctuating cognitive function, visual hallucinations, sleep disturbances.
Cognitive Symptoms: Difficulty with attention, memory, and processing speed.
Behavioural Symptoms: Hallucinations, delusions, agitation, aggression.
Physical Symptoms: Parkinson-like symptoms (rigidity, tremors, bradykinesia).

Photo credit: Eva Rinaldi

Affected by Lewy body dementia: The late Robin Williams

The above is for general infomation only and  is not intended to be used for diagnostic purposes.